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We have a number of projects across the North East of England, from songwriting workshops and community choirs to heritage place-based storytelling projects 

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As the North East steams ahead to the bicentenary of the Stockton & Darlington Railway in 2025, local artists have begun gathering stories from today’s passengers and why the railway matters. From artists in residencies on trains to workshops with community groups

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Stories of Sanctuary

Stories of Sanctuary is a touring project of original songs all about stories of seeking sanctuary. Performances by a Sunderland based choir showcased these songs written in workshops across the North East during 2024.

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Community workshops

We frequently run community songwriting workshops with local communities, charities, heritage organisations, schools and colleges. Please get in touch via email to enquire about holding a Citizen Songwriters workshop.



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Stories of Sanctuary - Our Home Tour

After six weeks of workshops aimed at those seeking sanctuary and their supporters, the choir spent the summer travelling around the North East, performing their original songs centred on the theme of Refugee Week - 'Our Home'.

Stories of Sanctuary Newcastle Cathedral

Stories of Sanctuary Newcastle

We hosted songwriting workshops at Newcastle Cathedral for those seeking sanctuary. This performance was accompanied by singers from the Recovery Church and local folk music legends, The Young'uns.

The Story Songwriting

The Story

The Story is an exhibition space and home for the historic collections of County Durham opened in 2024. To celebrate this, we worked with local young people to write a song about what County Durham means to to them which we performed live.



Stories of Sanctuary Sunderland - Music Video

In honour of Refugee Week 2023, we collaborated with animator Sheryl Jenkins to create a music video for one of the original songs, 'Bridge Across the River', created in our songwriting workshops. The animations were drawn by those seeking sanctuary in Sunderland, a newly recognised City of Sanctuary.


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RTPeople's Choir

Since January 2021, RTProjects in Durham has hosted Citizen Songwriters' Sam Slatcher every Friday 1 - 3pm for RTPeople's Choir. The RTPeople's Choir is an inclusive choir for all, whether you think you can sing or not! 

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Connect & Create - Sanctuary Songwriting

Throughout January, February and March, Citizen Songwriters partnered with City of Sanctuary to offer a series of online creative sessions to help build connections with others and celebrate what is important about being part of a community of sanctuary

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Monthly Songwriting Hangout

An open and creative online space to share your ideas whether a a thought, song or poem. A songwriting hangout over Zoom.

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Life Along the Line: Shildon Stories

In April 2021, we partnered with the Friends of Stockton & Darlington Railway and Shildon Railway Institute to capture the stories of people who have lived, worked and travelled on the railway in Shildon through songwriting and storytelling. Life Along the Line celebrates Shildon's unique history in shaping worldwide rail travel.


Sounds for the Soul - Stanley community songwriting

Songs for the Soul was a project in partnership with PACT House Stanley to create songs together to promote a positive boost for mental health. The songs will be showcased on PACT House's very own in-house community radio show. The project was kindly supported by County Durham Community Foundation and The Stanley Community Fund.


Citizens Online

Citizen Songwriters' music facilitators Alex Summerson and Sam Slatcher ran Citizens Online during the Covid-19 pandemic: a series of online songwriting sessions to connect people and support those who were isolated.


Shildon Town

In November, we were commissioned by Greenfield Arts to write a song for the launch of the Shildon in Motion project. The song examines the innovative and extraordinary aspects of Shildon's past and celebrates the ongoing creativity and ingenuity of Shildon's people and its future. The project was funded by Northern Heartlands and Bishop Line Community Rail Partnership.

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Creative Songwriting at Oasis

Citizen Songwriter's music facilitator Sam Slatcher ran weekly songwriting sessions with people experiencing homelessness at Oasis Community Housing in Gateshead. Five different songs were written collaboratively with individuals on their experiences of homelessness and the impact on their lives.


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Ukulele Music Packs for East Durham Children

In Summer 2020, Citizen Songwriters teamed up with ATOMS Education to provide ukuleles along with a resource pack for children and their families in East Durham, along with an online Ukulele webinar. They have been much treasured by the children, especially since the disruptions to their education in the Covid-19 pandemic.


Sound Out Songwriting Sessions

From June - September 2020, we hosted online group music-making sessions. Working together like this reduces stress, improves mood and boosts the immune system. It brings communities together to reduce loneliness and isolation, and is great for mindfulness and relaxation. This course was aimed at female carers of all ages.


Inter-Action Drop-In Songwriting

Citizen Songwriter's music facilitator Sam Slatcher and Harden Wakanda have been running sessions at Action Foundation's Inter-Action Drop-in sessions at West End Library, Newcastle. The programme was funded by Arts Society Tyneside.



Sound Out Songwriting Sessions

From January 2019 to March 2019, Sam Slatcher ran weekly sessions in Bishop Auckland with female carers who experienced isolation due to their caring commitments. The programme was run by Jack Drum Arts, funded by the Carers Fund.


Stronger Communities Middlesbrough Choir 

Citizen Songwriters partnered with Stronger Communities Middlesbrough (Middlesbrough Council) to create three new songs on 'Treasured Memories' with residents from diverse backgrounds from three Middlesbrough neighbourhoods.

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Stories of Sanctuary UK Tour

The Stories of Sanctuary project took 15 participants to perform original songs in 10 venues across the UK. Raghad Haddad, viola player from the National Syrian Orchestra, performed with the project, along with singer-songwriter Sam Slatcher.

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Welcome Town

From May to June 2019, Sam worked with performance artist Natasha Davis on a project called 'Welcome Town'. The project involved participatory workshops and a public, interactive installation on Stockton High Street which re-imagined how towns could provide truly humane care for displaced individuals.

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